Thursday, April 9, 2015

Let It Go

Just a little something to make you smile. (: Not everything about the military is all work and no play. Watch this group of marines sing along to the popular Let It Go, featured in Disney's Frozen. Stick it out til the end. I promise it's worth it.


  1. THAT IS PRICELESS! It's nice to see that even though most of the time marine and army guys are super serious, they can still relax and have a good time and a good laugh while singing along to the Frozen soundtrack.

  2. This is great! So glad to see that they get to enjoy themselves and get a few good laughs in to create special memories.

  3. I love this! Some people think that the military and people in the military are serious 100% of the time, but this video does a great job proving otherwise!

  4. I love videos like these! It feels strangely patriotic to watch them sing Frozen.
